

November 1 2007, 8:30 PM

Looking for guild members! I'm so excited the idea is actually working out.


If you are or know anybody who might be interested, send them here. :] The guilds consist of 5 members, and I need a VP, Historian, Treasury, and one other person.

For more info about the guilds- go here


My requirements are as follows:

VP-Minimum of 20 graphics or layouts (they can be combined); About 150 posts, especially in the design area.

Historian-Must show proof of good record-keeping.

Treasury-MUST BE RELIABLE. And can do math, preferably. :]

All-Except for VP, you must have about 100 posts, 10 graphics, and 5(?) layouts. All members need to be active in the forums, especially in the design area. Notice that this is going to be long.

If you're interested, but don't want to be one of the above, you don't have to be-notice that there are 5 people. :]

If you're interested, please PM me with: Your Name, Two Graphics of your choice. Anyone interested in Historian and Treasury must have proof (of your choice, as long as it's proof) that is stated above.

Requirements may change. :] (There may also be exceptions.)

There is a chance that I may not accept you to be in the guild-I'll take "applications" until the 7th, then make my decisions.



aahdnm: Hey this i s a good idea ^_^ but i dont get it lol. but im... 11-01-07 07:55 PM

October 7 2007, 5:38 PM

First priority is to finished my Xanga layout, then I SWEARTOPICKLES I'm going to submit TONS of stuff. And work on other stuff. I submited some Twilight Icons, so we'll see how that goes before I continue any more Twilight work. :]


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I figured out...

September 12 2007, 6:02 PM

I'm more bitchy online than in real life.


I'm slowing down on, really really slowing down. I have this HUGE list of things to fix/change and then another one of ideas. Feel free to request though, I'll do requests no matter what other stuff I'm doing.

I also wonder if people actually even LOOK at my blogs, if anybody really cares....or if i'm talking to myself. It sometimes scares know I'm talking to myself. RIGHT. Back on track. Might have a new layout or two this weekend. Lots of people have been asking me to make my raining skulls a myspace layout. If anybody would like to attempt this, please do, but contact me first and LEAVE MY CREDITS ON. You can obviously put your credit on there too, but DON'T TAKE MINE OFF. Mmk? mmk. :]]

I think that's all I have to say for now...

Yeah. That's it.


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Today sucks.

August 12 2007, 11:12 PM

I'm pissed off today. For multiple reasons. What really triggered it was actually a debate in the Forum.

I apologize to anybody I piss off or come across stupid/bitchy/immature in the future or past. I feel like I need to break rules today, so don't bitch about "interupting" debates. I felt as I needed to post my opinion, and I damn well straight up did, whether it was astray from the topic before or not.

You'll have to learn to deal with me on my bitch streaks.


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Watch out!!

August 12 2007, 2:38 PM

Tons new stuff coming. Working on a few DIV's, and planning on editing rejected things. I'm focusing on the Forums right now, seeing as that's about the only thing that doesn't take energy.

School starts this Thursday, so my time is going to be cut. Of course I'll still submit all I can, and still put everything towards it, but the first few months are going to be tight. Don't give up on meee. Keep commenting, using my stuff, and don't be afraid to ask me to do something for you! I love pleasing people. :]


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  • Female
  • 15 years old


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Last update Oct 27, 2007


Undergoing plastic surgery

Who knows when I'll be back.
