GUILDS (go back »)

November 1 2007, 8:30 PM

Looking for guild members! I'm so excited the idea is actually working out.


If you are or know anybody who might be interested, send them here. :] The guilds consist of 5 members, and I need a VP, Historian, Treasury, and one other person.

For more info about the guilds- go here


My requirements are as follows:

VP-Minimum of 20 graphics or layouts (they can be combined); About 150 posts, especially in the design area.

Historian-Must show proof of good record-keeping.

Treasury-MUST BE RELIABLE. And can do math, preferably. :]

All-Except for VP, you must have about 100 posts, 10 graphics, and 5(?) layouts. All members need to be active in the forums, especially in the design area. Notice that this is going to be long.

If you're interested, but don't want to be one of the above, you don't have to be-notice that there are 5 people. :]

If you're interested, please PM me with: Your Name, Two Graphics of your choice. Anyone interested in Historian and Treasury must have proof (of your choice, as long as it's proof) that is stated above.

Requirements may change. :] (There may also be exceptions.)

There is a chance that I may not accept you to be in the guild-I'll take "applications" until the 7th, then make my decisions.



Displaying 1 - 1 of 1 comments

Hey this i s a good idea ^_^ but i dont get it lol. but im totally interested!!!


Posted by aahdnm on Nov 1, 07 7:55 pm

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  • Female
  • 15 years old


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